I am pregnant again, the third time! I have a lot of free time, because I am on maternity leave. So, I decided to create this app. Do you know that during the pregnancy girl's behavior is changing. Sometimes she seems to be very strange and sometimes very funny. Her body is shining, she is happy and smiling, but sometimes she may be also sad and even feel bad. People around must understand that this are hormones and take it all with a humor. Pregnancy is a special period in life of every women and for each man this is very important to know what to expect from his wife or girlfriend. This app provides a lot of funny facts about pregnancy, all facts are presented on the photos of sexy pregnant girls, so you can find out how the girl's body is changing in each trimester.There are a lot of folk beliefs what the pregnant women can or can not do, what they should eat, can they engage in sports, etc. Of course, every women want to be a perfect mom and is trying to follow all doctor's instruction, but sometimes people forget that they should have fun during this period, pregnant women should be happy during this long and difficult process. This is why I created this app. I want to remind girls that they should have fun.
If you are a bored pregnant girl, you can go the video chat and talk there with other pregnant girls, discuss all you need to know or just have a talk about nothing. If you want to support pregnant girls, you also may go to the video chat. Remember, when speaking with the pregnant women, she want to hear that she is the best, beautiful and sexy. This is a very important to keep the pregnant women in a good mood. So, download the app, read funny facts, watch photos and speak with girls!